Where are we

Villa Lasdrilla 43°40’25″N 012°32’13″E

The easiest way to get here is using Google Maps: search for Villa Lasdrilla and Google will bring you to the door.

From the direction of Bologna we personally take the exit Pesaro . Then to Urbino and from there to Urbania. This road runs over a ridge and is somewhat winding, but very beautiful. Before the descent to Urbania, at Agriturismo Ca’Boscarini, turn left and immediately right again. Follow this road (sort of)  straight ahead and you’re there.

An alternative is to take the Fano exit and from there take the superstrada to Acqualagna. A bit longer, but less curves and in time it doesn’t matter.
From Acqualagna to Urbania. When you enter Urbania take the second right (at the bar on the corner), then left (only autorizzati, consider yourselves authorized) right again (via castel delle ripe), left again (sign: Contea) and finally turn right again. Arrived.

From Tuscany/Umbria take via Madonna del Latte, then via Belvedere and when you are on the dirt road keep right and then straight on at the junction.